What are dental implants?
The dental implant is made of titanium and is a replacement for the root of the lost tooth, functioning as a stable base for the future prosthesis. The implant is firmly adhered to the bone through osseointegration. Therefore, it is possible to provide teeth that look and function as if they were your own.
Can anyone get dental implants?
Yes, any adult patient in good general and oral health is able to receive implants.
You should consider treatment with dental implants for patients with:
– Loss of one or more teeth
– Possibility of losing a fixed denture when one or more natural teeth weaken
– Unattractive changes in your dentofacial appearance
– Lack of confidence in speaking or laughing
– Risk of tooth loss from periodontal disease
– Difficulty chewing certain foods
– Complete denture (dentures) or partial (mobile bridge)
– Fracture involving the root of the tooth
How is the implant placed?
A reverse planning is performed, that is, the prosthesis is planned first and then the implant is planned. Drs. from Studio Soares uses CT scans along with
o CAD-CAM technology from planning, making surgical guides, to making the prosthesis. This gives the technique greater precision in the surgery, making the whole process faster and more comfortable for the patient.
How long does it take for this treatment to be performed?
With the new implants used by Studio Soares, this process can take from 2 to 6 months depending on the complexity of each case. And many bone and/or gingival grafts may be needed for an optimal result, which can prolong treatment.
Treatment with implants has improved the lives of many people, bringing benefits and advantages such as:
– When indicated, the patient can have their teeth in up to 72 hours after surgery
– Improved health thanks to the ability to chew a wide variety of nutritious foods
– Restoration of the mouth as closely as possible to its natural state
– Improved comfort and confidence due to the elimination of ill-fitting or loose complete dentures or partial dentures
– Preservation of the structure of the jaw bones by reducing possible deterioration, maintaining facial aesthetics
– Prevents the wear of neighboring teeth, necessary for the placement of fixed prostheses without implants
– Feeling of chewing with your own tooth
What is “immediate loading”?
It is an implant placement technique that uses the placement of a temporary fixed prosthesis up to 24 hours after implant placement. This technique has positive results in cases where there is good stability of the implant at the time of its installation. In some cases this can be done at the time of extraction, saving a few months in the implant healing process.