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Porcelain veneers? Clear your doubts!

Foto do escritor: Celso SoaresCelso Soares

They are very thin porcelain sheets (0.3 to 0.5 mm thick) used to improve the contour, shape, texture, position and color of the anterior teeth, thus improving the patient's smile.

Why is porcelain used?

They are materials that are very similar to dental enamel from an aesthetic point of view and currently have much higher resistance, in addition to maintaining their shine and not undergoing color changes compared to other materials such as resins.

When are they indicated?

They are indicated when the anterior teeth:

- broken or chipped teeth

– teeth worn down by bruxism or age

– teeth with small changes in position

– teeth that are heavily restored or with very large fillings

- teeth with color changes

- teeth with anatomic malformation

How long does it take to get ready?

With the new Cerec® CAD-CAM technology, they can be done in a short time, often in just one day! If started early in the morning, it can be finished in the late afternoon.

Are they durable?

It is difficult to estimate how long a prosthetic treatment can last. But, according to studies, the success rate is approximately 95% in 10 years.

Do I need to wear down my teeth?

Yes, in most cases the wear is minimal (between 0.3 and 0.5 mm), unless there is a very large change in tooth color that needs correction. In these cases, a little more wear is necessary, giving enough porcelain thickness to hide the stain.

Can I have veneers for the purpose of just whitening my teeth?

Yes, especially in cases where conventional whitening has not been effective.

If they are porcelain and so thin, can they break?

It can happen after all, accidents do happen! But with current Lithium Silicate and Zirconia porcelains, they are much more resistant and this risk is much lower.

It will change my appearance. How do I know if I will like the results?

Through a method called DSD (Digital Smile Design)  where the dentist can simulate through computer programs and a mold and a special resin, the patient's new smile. In this way, the patient can make a “proof” of his new smile even before wearing it. If it is necessary to make any changes, they can be made at this stage, which makes this treatment very predictable for the dentist and the patient.

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